Park FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Our grip socks have been tested at our park for safety and are required for safety & liability reasons. If you have your own grip sock you are welcome to wear them if they are still in good shape.

Everyone in the building needs a waiver, if they are jumping or not. The waiver form is to exempt companies from certain regulations; example of this is if a person was injured while at this facility the company would not be liable. This is a standard regulation for all trampoline parks and if the person is not willing to sign the waiver they are not allowed to take part in any activity while at the facility.

If you can walk, you can jump! 

Outside food is permitted but no outside drinks are allowed into the facility.

Not at this time, we are only accepting walk-ins.

Jumpers must be at least 12 years old in order to be left at the facility without a responsible adult and must have been read all the facility’s rules before jumping.

Spectators are welcome to do just that: spectate. To go on and around the Trampoline to help kids or jump with them can ONLY be done by buying a ticket for yourself.

All pre-purchased and purchased admission sales are final, and no refunds will be given. Deposits for parties and large group events are non-refundable. However, it is possible to reschedule a party and the deposit will apply to the new date.



monday- thursday: 11:00 AM - 8:00 PM
friday-saturday: 10:00 AM - 10:00 Pm
Sunday: 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Fun Park online Ticket Purchase